Sunday, July 29, 2007


hi world sorry i havent been posting much recently but i lost my internet for a while but im back up and running now. so there's a lot of post's to come so this is just the first of many. ive moved i am still liveing in doncaster just a diffrent part and now have my boyfriend liveing with me we are getting marryed at the end of the year so my wedding pictures and videos will posted on hear hopefuly there will be a video posted soon as i am working on it. but for now thats it


Paul Knight said...

nice to see that you haven't died or anything, lol.

What's this about marriage?????

First dibs on doing the wedding video. I won't charge much.

juicie said...

I suppose your allready married? Well I wish you all the best of evrything love you Thingy